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This page is about FTC team 20039, better known as One Byte! Feel free to look around at our mentors, team members, our various robots, and portfolios/notebooks throughout the years.
Who We Are
Get to Know Us
We are team 20039, One Byte, and we were the first team of New Tech Robotics to be established in 2020. We were established in 2020 and have won the Inspire award in our first year as a team. We hope to continue to grow and evolve our team and robotics at our school.
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
We have 12 people who are apart of One Byte and each of them go to New Tech High @ Coppell as part of the club's requirements. We have a large mix of Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen. We are split up into various roles including marketers, engineers, and programmers; scroll down to see what each role entails and who does which role.
Our Robots: Year by Year
Our Portfolios and Notebook
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